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Marchando Spanish Curriculum

Beginner Level

Beginner 1


  1. Meeting and greeting
  2. Nationalities and countries
  3. Numbers 1-100 and Tener (To Have)
  4. Professions and Ser (To Be)
  5. The Alphabet and Pronunciation
  6. In a bar and Querer (To Want)
  7. In a Restaurant
  8. Directions and Estar (To Be)
  9. Locations and Hay (There is/are)
  10. Numbers 100-1000 and Measurements

Beginner 2


  1. The Family
  2. The Verb To Be – El Verbo Ser
  3. Ser and Possessive Adjectives with The Family
  4. The Verb To Have – El Verbo Tener
  5. Tener (To Have) and The Family
  6. Parts of the Body, Colours, and Physical Descriptions
  7. Physical Decriptions with Ser (To Be) and Tener (To Have)
  8. Describing Personality with Ser (To Be)
  9. The Verb To Be – El Verbo Estar
  10. Descriptions with Estar

Beginner 3


  1. Introduction to Spanish Verbs and Present Tense
  2. Regular Verbs in Present Tense (Part 1)
  3. Regular Verbs in present tense (Part 2)
  4. Telling the Time
  5. Present Tense with Time
  6. Food with Comer (To eat), Cocinar (To cook), and Comprar (To buy)
  7. Clothing and Llevar (To wear)
  8. This (Este/a), That (Ese/a), These (Estos/as), Those (Esos/as)
  9. The Verb To Go – El Verbo Ir
  10. Adjectives and Transport

Pre-Intermediate Level

Pre-Intermediate 1


  1. Making comparisons
  2. Irregular comparative adjectives
  3. The verb To Want – El verbo Querer
  4. The verbs To need & To Prefer – Los verbos Necesitar & Preferir
  5. Travelling
  6. Days of the Week
  7. Months of the Year
  8. Adverbs of Frequency
  9. Describing how often we do things
  10. Numbers from 1000

Pre-Intermediate 2


  1. Reflexive Verbs (Part 1)
  2. Reflexive Verbs (Part 2)
  3. Irregular Verbs in Present Tense (Part 1)
  4. Irregular Verbs in Present Tense (Part 2)
  5. Irregular Verbs in Present Tense (Part 3)
  6. Irregular Verbs in Present Tense (Part 4)
  7. Irregular Verbs in Present Tense (Part 5)
  8. The Verb To Like – El Verbo Gustar (Part 1)
  9. The Verb To Like – El Verbo Gustar (Part 2)
  10. Connecting Words

Pre-Intermediate 3


  1. At The Doctor’s (Part 1)
  2. At The Doctor’s (Part 2)
  3. The Weather (Part 1)
  4. The Weather (Part 2)
  5. Indefinite Pronouns & Adjectives (Part 1)
  6. Indefinite Pronouns & Adjectives (Part 2)
  7. Pronunciation (Part 1)
  8. Pronunciation (Part 2)
  9. Future – Going to (Part 1)
  10. Future – Going to (Part 2)

Intermediate Level

Intermediate 1


  1. Tener Que – Have to
  2. Deber – Must
  3. Hay Que – One has to
  4. Poder – Can
  5. Present Perfect – El Pretérito Perfecto (Part 1)
  6. Present Perfect – El Pretérito Perfecto (Part 2)
  7. Present Perfect – El Pretérito Perfecto (Part 3)
  8. Present Perfect – El Pretérito Perfecto (Part 4)
  9. Asking & Expressing Opinion
  10. Differences between Ser & Estar

Intermediate 2


  1. Imperatives – Orders, instructions & suggestions (Part 1)
  2. Imperatives – Orders, instructions & suggestions (Part 2)
  3. Present Continuous – El Presente Continuo (Part 1)
  4. Present Continuous – El Presente Continuo (Part 2)
  5. Speaking on the telephone
  6. Adjectives with Ser & Estar
  7. Verbs of movement with prepositions
  8. Writing a letter
  9. Expressing how you feel
  10. Writing in Spanish

Intermediate 3


  1. Past Simple – El Pretérito Indefinido (Part 1)
  2. Past Simple – El Pretérito Indefinido (Part 2)
  3. Past Simple – El Pretérito Indefinido (Part 3)
  4. Past Simple – El Pretérito Imperfecto – (Part 1)
  5. Past Simple – El Pretérito Imperfecto – (Part 2)
  6. Past Simple – El Pretérito Imperfecto – (Part 3)
  7. Soler – Used to
  8. Comparing El Pretérito Indefinido & El Pretérito Perfecto
  9. More about writing a letter in Spanish
  10. More about writing in Spanish

Upper-Intermediate Level

Upper-Intermediate 1


  1. Future – Will (Part 1)
  2. Future – Will (Part 2)
  3. El Condicional (Part 1)
  4. El Condicional (Part 2)
  5. El Condicional (Part 3)
  6. In the pharmacy
  7. Negative Imperatives (Part 1)
  8. Negative Imperatives (Part 2)
  9. Negative Imperatives (Part 3)
  10. Asking permission

Upper-Intermediate 2


  1. Past Perfect – El Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto (Part 1)
  2. Past Perfect – El Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto (Part 2)
  3. Present Subjunctive – El Presente de Subjuntivo (Part 1)
  4. Present Subjunctive – El Presente de Subjuntivo (Part 2)
  5. Present Subjunctive – El Presente de Subjuntivo (Part 3)
  6. Future Perfect – El Futuro Perfecto (Part 1)
  7. Future Perfect – El Futuro Perfecto (Part 2)
  8. Expressions of confirmation, supposition, surprise and concern
  9. Reacting to opinions
  10. Offering and accepting help and collaboration

Upper-Intermediate 3


  1. El Presente de Subjuntivo with hopes and wishes
  2. El Presente de Subjuntivo with probability
  3. El Presente de Subjuntivo with indefinite pronouns
  4. El Presente de Subjuntivo with opinions
  5. El Presente de Subjuntivo with relative sentences
  6. El Presente de Subjuntivo with time-related sentences
  7. Causal conjunctions
  8. Expressions of annoyance, resignation, lament and consolation
  9. Para, para que, a, a que, a fin de, a fin de que
  10. Por or Para

Advanced Level

Advanced 1


  1. El Pretérito Perfecto De Subjuntivo
  2. Expressing surprise and astonishment
  3. Congratulations, apologies and gratitude
  4. Agreeing and disagreeing
  5. El Pretérito Imperfecto de Subjuntivo (Part 1)
  6. El Pretérito Imperfecto de Subjuntivo (Part 2)
  7. Asking formally
  8. Aunque, A pesar de que, Pese de que, Por más que
  9. Explaining and convincing
  10. Saying that someone is right or wrong

Advanced 2


  1. Indicativo and Subjuntivo
  2. Indicativo or Subjuntivo when expressing opinions
  3. Reported Speech – El Estilo Indirecto (Part 1)
  4. Reported Speech – El Estilo Indirecto (Part 2)
  5. Surprise, Indifference & Scepticism
  6. Hypotheses in the past
  7. Conditionals (Part 1)
  8. Conditionals (Part 2)
  9. Passive Voice
  10. Adjectives with Ser and Estar
  11. Bueno, malo, bien, mal

Advanced 3


  1. Parecer and Parecerse
  2. Superlatives – Superlativos
  3. The different uses of Como
  4. Describing people negatively
  5. Direct and indirect object pronouns
  6. Impersonal sentences and toning down opinion
  7. Reacting to the actions of others
  8. Taste and smell (Part 1)
  9. Taste and smell (Part 2)
  10. Indignation (Part 1)
  11. Indignation (Part 2)