Spanish Course

Learn Spanish from beginner to advanced level with our online course

Full Curriculum

Beginner 1

Meeting and greeting
Nationalities and countries
Numbers 1-100 and Tener (To Have)
Professions and Ser (To Be)
The Alphabet and Pronunciation
In a bar and Querer (To Want)
In a Restaurant
Directions and Estar (To Be)
Locations and Hay (There is/are)
Numbers 100-1000 and Measurements

Beginner 2

The Family
The Verb To Be – El Verbo Ser
Ser and Possessive Adjectives with The Family
The Verb To Have – El Verbo Tener
Tener (To Have) and The Family
Parts of the Body, Colours, and Physical Descriptions
Physical Decriptions with Ser (To Be) and Tener (To Have)
Describing Personality with Ser (To Be)
The Verb To Be – El Verbo Estar
Descriptions with Estar

Beginner 3

Present Tense
Regular Verbs in Present Tense (Part 1)
Regular Verbs in present tense (Part 2)
Telling the Time
Present Tense with Time
Food with Comer (To eat), Cocinar (To cook), and Comprar (To buy)
Clothing and Llevar (To wear)
This (Este/a), That (Ese/a), These (Estos/as), Those (Esos/as)
The Verb To Go – El Verbo Ir
Adjectives and Transport

Pre-Intermediate 1

Making comparisons
Irregular comparative adjectives
The verb To Want – El verbo Querer
The verbs To need & To Prefer – Los verbos Necesitar & Preferir
Days of the Week
Months of the Year
Adverbs of Frequency
Describing how often we do things
Numbers from 1000

Pre-Intermediate 2

Reflexive Verbs (Part 1)
Reflexive Verbs (Part 2)
Irregular Verbs in Present Tense (Part 1)
Irregular Verbs in Present Tense (Part 2)
Irregular Verbs in Present Tense (Part 3)
Irregular Verbs in Present Tense (Part 4)
Irregular Verbs in Present Tense (Part 5)
The Verb To Like – El Verbo Gustar (Part 1)
The Verb To Like – El Verbo Gustar (Part 2)
Connecting Words

Pre-Intermediate 3

At The Doctor’s (Part 1)
At The Doctor’s (Part 2)
The Weather (Part 1)
The Weather (Part 2)
Indefinite Pronouns & Adjectives (Part 1)
Indefinite Pronouns & Adjectives (Part 2)
Pronunciation (Part 1)
Pronunciation (Part 2)
Future – Going to (Part 1)
Future – Going to (Part 2)

Intermediate 1

Tener Que – Have to
Deber – Must
Hay Que – One has to
Poder – Can
Present Perfect – El Pretérito Perfecto (Part 1)
Present Perfect – El Pretérito Perfecto (Part 2)
Present Perfect – El Pretérito Perfecto (Part 3)
Present Perfect – El Pretérito Perfecto (Part 4)
Asking & Expressing Opinion
Differences between Ser & Estar

Intermediate 2

Imperatives – Orders, instructions & suggestions (Part 1)
Imperatives – Orders, instructions & suggestions (Part 2)
Present Continuous – El Presente Continuo (Part 1)
Present Continuous – El Presente Continuo (Part 2)
Speaking on the telephone
Adjectives with Ser & Estar
Verbs of movement with prepositions
Writing a letter
Expressing how you feel
Writing in Spanish

Intermediate 3

Past Simple – El Pretérito Indefinido (Part 1)
Past Simple – El Pretérito Indefinido (Part 2)
Past Simple – El Pretérito Indefinido (Part 3)
Past Simple – El Pretérito Imperfecto – (Part 1)
Past Simple – El Pretérito Imperfecto – (Part 2)
Past Simple – El Pretérito Imperfecto – (Part 3)
Soler – Used to
Comparing El Pretérito Indefinido & El Pretérito Perfecto
More about writing a letter in Spanish
More about writing in Spanish

Upper-Intermediate 1

Future – Will (Part 1)
Future – Will (Part 2)
El Condicional (Part 1)
El Condicional (Part 2)
El Condicional (Part 3)
In the pharmacy
Negative Imperatives (Part 1)
Negative Imperatives (Part 2)
Negative Imperatives (Part 3)
Asking permission

Upper-Intermediate 2

Past Perfect – El Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto (Part 1)
Past Perfect – El Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto (Part 2)
Present Subjunctive – El Presente de Subjuntivo (Part 1)
Present Subjunctive – El Presente de Subjuntivo (Part 2)
Present Subjunctive – El Presente de Subjuntivo (Part 3)
Future Perfect – El Futuro Perfecto (Part 1)
Future Perfect – El Futuro Perfecto (Part 2)
Expressions of confirmation, supposition, surprise and concern
Reacting to opinions
Offering and accepting help and collaboration

Upper-Intermediate 3

El Presente de Subjuntivo with hopes and wishes
El Presente de Subjuntivo with probability
El Presente de Subjuntivo with indefinite pronouns
El Presente de Subjuntivo with opinions
El Presente de Subjuntivo with relative sentences
El Presente de Subjuntivo with time-related sentences
Causal conjunctions
Expressions of annoyance, resignation, lament and consolation
Para, para que, a, a que, a fin de, a fin de que
Por or Para

Advanced 1

El Pretérito Perfecto De Subjuntivo
Expressing surprise and astonishment
Congratulations, apologies and gratitude
Agreeing and disagreeing
El Pretérito Imperfecto de Subjuntivo (Part 1)
El Pretérito Imperfecto de Subjuntivo (Part 2)
Asking formally
Aunque, A pesar de que, Pese de que, Por más que
Explaining and convincing
Saying that someone is right or wrong

Advanced 2

Indicativo and Subjuntivo
Indicativo or Subjuntivo when expressing opinions
Reported Speech – El Estilo Indirecto (Part 1)
Reported Speech – El Estilo Indirecto (Part 2)
Surprise, Indifference & Scepticism
Hypotheses in the past
Conditionals (Part 1)
Conditionals (Part 2)
Passive Voice
Adjectives with Ser and Estar
Bueno, malo, bien, mal

Advanced 3

Parecer and Parecerse
Superlatives – Superlativos
The different uses of Como
Describing people negatively
Direct and indirect object pronouns
Impersonal sentences and toning down opinion
Reacting to the actions of others
Taste and smell (Part 1)
Taste and smell (Part 2)
Indignation (Part 1)
Indignation (Part 2)

Learn at your own pace

Our free online Spanish course is perfect for students of any level. Easy-to-follow, comprehensive and fun. Choose your level and start learning today. For more practice, we are also available for personal tutoring and in-person classes.

20 years experience

We have been teaching Spanish for 20 years and are fully qualified, bilingual language teachers. We know how to learn a second language and will pass on the best ways to help you speak, write, read, and understand Spanish.

You can speak Spanish!

We know how to teach you Spanish. All you have to do is stick at studying and practising it. Learning a language is great fun and great for the brain. And Spanish is one of the easiest foreign languages to learn. Why not give it a shot?

Laura & Adam

This Spanish course has been created by Laura and Adam. Both Laura and Adam qualified as foreign language teachers in 2004 and since then have been teaching Spanish in Spain, the UK, and online. Laura is from Bilbao in northern Spain and Adam is from Devon in the south of England. They lived together in Spain for over 10 years, where their 2 daughters were born, and now they live in Scotland.

Laura & Adam

Extra practice with Laura & Adam

We are here to support you


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Structure of the course

Fun and easy-to-follow material presented in English, with Spanish examples throughout. More and more Spanish content is introduced as students progress through the courses with the final levels presented entirely in Spanish.

Clear explanations

Each topic is thoroughly explained with lots of example sentences and relevant vocabulary to clarify and reinforce what you are learning.


Listening exercises

Conversations in Spanish between Laura and Adam to practice what is being learned in each topic and build your listening comprehension skills.

Pronunciation practice

Listen to Laura pronouncing the key vocabulary and phrases from each topic and repeat along with her to improve your Spanish pronunciation.


Writing exercises

Build your writing skills in Spanish with these exercises to test, practice, and reinforce the information that has been learned in each topic.


Reading exercises

Spanish texts relevant to each topic for you to read and see how much you can follow before referring to the English translations provided.


Interactive revision

Interactive audio revision exercises with Laura for you to join in with and test yourself on what you have been learning in each topic.



Can I learn with you for free?

Yes. We offer a comprehensive and clear Spanish course from beginner to advanced level that you can enjoy completely free of charge.


Do I need any other learning material?

You should be regularly referring to a Spanish-English dictionary. This can be a book, app or website, whatever you find most comfortable. Apart from this we don’t recommend you use any other learning material as you can easily get bogged down and confused by too many books, apps, videos, mp3s, etc. We will provide you with all you need to learn Spanish.


How is the course presented?

Topics consists of clearly explained written information, pronunciation practice exercises, audio conversation listening exercises, reading comprehension exercises, interactive speaking exercises, and writing exercises.


How long is the course?

Each level (beginner through to advanced) has 30 topics. On average, students take around 1 week to complete each topic, but you study at your own pace.


Is everything in Spanish?

Course information is presented in English, with Spanish examples throughout. More and more Spanish content is introduced as students progress through the courses from beginner to advanced levels. 


Do you offer in-person Spanish classes

Yes. We teach group Spanish classes at all levels in different venues across the Borders and Lothians. Please get in touch to arrange your course.


Can I ask questions and have tasks corrected?

Yes. We offer personal tutoring if you would like to be able to ask us questions any time and if you would extra written and oral tasks that you can email back to us for correcting. Please get in touch to arrange your one-to-one tutoring.


I have never learned a foreign language before. Will I be able to learn Spanish?

Yes. You will! Everyone can learn a foreign language and we know how to help you learn Spanish! You just have to stick at it.

What other students think…

“I have been attending Adam and Laura’s Spanish classes for nearly a year and they have far exceeded my expectations. The classes are friendly, fun, engaging and well structured and I have been really pleased with my progress learning the language. A highlight of my week!”

Emily Cropton


I sincerely recommend Spanish classes run by Adam and Laura. They are informative and fun, well-structured and relaxed, rich in new material – vocabulary, grammar, new constructs – and at the same time relaxed and unpressurized. In every session we have games, jokes and a lot of laughter. The groups are small and the participants are supportive of one another. You learn easily and progress steadily. Five stars”

Magdalena Thomson


“Before joining Adam and Laura’s Beginner’s course I used Duolingo. Since starting the course I believe I have progressed by leaps and bounds. I am now looking forward to the Pre Intermediate course. Thank you for all your support and help”

Stuart Muir


““The course has been great, offering lots of opportunity to have conversations, with fun games and lots of laughs. So much more interactive than Duolingo, would absolutely recommend.

Sue Barclay


“Welcoming, friendly and relaxed! An excellent, very well structured course which I can highly recommend”

Kirsty McIntosh


“I started as a complete beginner and I am very pleased with my progress. If you’re thinking of learning Spanish I can recommend Marchando Spanish. Laura and Adam are lovely and excellent teachers”

Janet Houten


“I have found Laura and Adam’s Spanish courses a tremendous help with grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. I have over the years tried various Spanish books and CDs but none have been as easy to follow and helpful as these Spanish courses”

Martin Russell


“The course has been great so far. Adam is a great teacher who has been really engaging and making learning Spanish fun and inclusive. The course is taught at a really good pace and has allowed me to gain more and more confidence each week.”

Rachael Steven


“I would like to thank Laura for her continued support. My understanding of the Spanish language has increased greatly. She is an excellent teacher and this is the best way to learn Spanish.”

Harry Lloyd


“I highly recommend Marchando Spanish. I am surprised at the speed we have learned things, so much so I can now feel much more confident in communicating when in Spain. It has been so nice to make new friends and acquaintances in our weekly meetings. For anyone who’s serious about learning Spanish, or even just for fun, there‘s no better way to learn than with the professional and holistic support from Marchando Spanish.”

Mark Taylor


“Very well run, fun and relaxed. Highly recommended for anyone who wants to start learning Spanish.”

Richard Turton


“A well structured but flexible approach means that these courses cater for the needs of the students. Moving at a pace which suits us means being challenged but not bored. The focus is on talking and listening which was exactly what I was looking for rather than a more academic, writing based course.”

Jacqueline Easton


“Adam is an excellent, gentle and encouraging teacher and he makes the classes fun. Online resources, including audio of Adam & Laura speaking in Spanish, are provided to use between lessons. I haven’t learned a language for many decades and I was quite nervous to start but I am very glad I have. I couldn’t recommend Adam & Laura more highly.”

Linda Kirby


“Adam and Laura are great tutors. They provide a relaxed and really friendly way to learn a new language. I would recommend that everyone should try. It really is addictive and really helps when visiting a Spanish speaking country.”

Kenneth Scott


“Really enjoying the course. I am a complete beginner. Would recommend to anyone looking to be able to make themselves understood in Spain.”

Jacqui Morrison