Numbers 100-1000 and Measurements


In this topic we will look at Spanish Numbers 100-1000 and some useful measurements in Spanish Earlier in the course we saw the Spanish numbers 1-100 and learned how to pronounce them correctly. In this lesson we will continue to learn larger Spanish numbers from 100-1000. We will also see how to use these numbers with typical measurements in Spanish such as kilometres, centimetres and litres.

Numbers 100-1000:

Cientos (Hundreds)
Cien: One hundred
Doscientos: Two hundred
Trescientos: Three hundred
Cuatrocientos: Four hundred
Quinientos: Five hundred
Seiscientos: Six hundred
Setecientos: Seven hundred
Ochocientos: Eight hundred
Novecientos: Nine hundred
Mil: Thousand

More complex numbers:

Ciento diez: One hundred and ten
Doscientos veinte: Two hundred and twenty
Trescientos treinta: Three hundred and thirty
Cuatrocientos cuarenta y cuatro: Four hundred and forty four
Quinientos ochenta y siete: Five hundred and eighty seven
Seiscientos noventa y nueve: Six hundred and ninety nine
Setecientos veintitrés: Seven hundred and twenty three
Ochocientos quince: Eight hundred and fifteen
Novecientos cincuenta y uno: Nine hundred and fifty one

Large Spanish numbers may look and sound complicated initially, however they are really quite straightforward. You must practice your numbers from 1-100 first and then learn the hundreds. Don’t try to learn the big numbers before you have learned the smaller numbers.

Now let’s take a look at some useful measurements in Spanish and practice using them with our numbers…

Medidas (Measurements)

Kilómetros: Kilometres
Millas: Miles
Metros: Metres
Centímetros: Centimetres
Milímetros: Millimetres
Pulgadas: Inches
Pies: Feet
Gramos: Grams
Kilogramos: Kilograms
Litros: Litres
Pintas: Pints
Galones: Gallons
Toneladas: Tonnes

Let’s practice using medidas with Estar (To be)…

Estar (To Be)
(Yo) Estoy: I am
(Tú) Estás: You are
(Él/Ella) Está: He/She is

Cuántos/as: How many

¿A cuántos kilómetros está Manchester de Londres?: How far is Manchester from London?
Manchester está a trescientos treinta y cinco kilómetros de Londres: Manchester is three hundred and thirty five kilometres from London
¿Cuántas pulgadas hay en doscientos veinte pies?: How many inches are there in two hundred and twenty feet?
Hay dos mil seiscientos cuarenta: There are two thousand six hundred and forty

Hay (There is/are)

In the previous topic we introduced “Hay” (there is/are). Let’s practice with it again, this time with measurements…

¿Cuántos centímetros hay en cuatro metros?: How many centimetres are there in four metres?
Hay cuatrocientos centímetros en cuatro metros: There are four hundred centimetres in four metres
¿Cuántos litros hay en cincuenta y cinco galones?: How many litres are there in fifty five gallons?
Hay doscientos cincuenta litros en cincuenta y cinco galones: There are two hundred and fifty litres in fifty five gallons


Play the audio below and practice your pronunciation by repeating with Laura.



Cien: One hundred
Ciento diez: One hundred and ten
Doscientos: Two hundred
Trescientos: Three hundred
Cuatrocientos: Four hundred
Quinientos: Five hundred
Seiscientos: Six hundred
Setecientos: Seven hundred
Ochocientos: Eight hundred
Novecientos: Nine hundred
Mil: Thousand
Kilómetros: Kilometres
Madrid está a cuatrocientos kilómetros de Bilbao: Madrid is 400 km from Bilbao


Play the audios below and try to follow the conversations. Please listen at least twice before checking the transcripts.



Sara: Hola, buenas. ¿Cómo te llamas?
Paul: Hola. Soy Paul. ¿Y tú? ¿Cómo te llamas?
Sara: Me llamo Sara. Mucho gusto. ¿De dónde eres Paul?
Paul: Soy de un lugar llamado Umberleigh.
Sara: ¿Umberleigh? ¿Dónde está Umberleigh?
Paul: Umberleigh está en Inglaterra. Soy inglés.
Sara: ¿Es Umberleigh una ciudad o un pueblo?
Paul: Es un pueblo. Es muy pequeño y muy hermoso.
Sara: ¿Cuántas personas hay en Umberleigh?
Paul: Solo trescientas cincuenta personas.
Sara: ¡Guauu! Es un lugar muy pequeño. Yo soy de Madrid. Es muy diferente. Es muy grande. Hay millones de personas en Madrid.
Paul: ¡Qué horror!
Sara: ¿A cuántos kilómetros está Umberleigh de Londres?
Paul: A trescientos kilómetros. Y a ciento cincuenta kilómetros de Bristol


Open the text below and try to follow what is written. Please read at least twice before checking the translation.


Tom: Tu pueblo es muy bonito Julia.
Julia: Muchas gracias Tom. Sí es un pueblo precioso.
Tom: ¿Es muy pequeño, no?
Julia: Sí, solo hay más o menos quinientas personas aquí.
Tom: ¡Guau! En mi ciudad, Londres, hay ocho millones de personas.
Julia: ¡Increíble! Londres es gigante. ¿Hay muchos españoles en Londres?
Tom: ¡Claro! Igual treinta mil.
Julia: ¿Eres de Londres Tom?
Tom: No, yo soy de Manchester.
Julia: ¿Como es Manchester Tom y por qué estás en Londres y no en Manchester?
Tom: Mi corazón está en Manchester pero hay más trabajo en Londres. También hay más teatros, bares, discotecas y restaurantes buenos.
Julia: En mi pueblo solo hay un teatro, dos bares, dos restaurantes y no hay discotecas.
Tom: Bueno, ¿dónde hay un bar? ¿Hay uno cerca?
Julia: Sí, ¡vamos!


Tom: Your town is very beautiful Julia.
Julia: Thank you very much Tom. Yes it is a beautiful town.
Tom: It’s very small, is it not?
Julia: Yes, there are only about five hundred people here.
Tom: Wow! In my city, London, there are eight million people.
Julia: Incredible! London is enormous. Are there many Spaniards in London?
Tom: Of course! Maybe thirty thousand.
Julia: Are you from London Tom?
Tom: No, I’m from Manchester.
Julia: How is Manchester Tom and why are you in London and not in Manchester?
Tom: My heart is in Manchester but there is more work in London. There are also more theatres, bars, clubs and good restaurants.
Julia: In my town there is only one theatre, two bars, two restaurants and there are no discos.
Tom: OK, where is a bar? Is there one nearby?
Julia: Yes, let’s go!


Open the questions below and answer them in writing using the box provided. Check the answers afterwards to see how you got on.


Please write the following numbers in Spanish:

1. forty seven
2. two hundred and ten
3. three hundred and fifty
4. five hundred and thirty
5. seventy seven
6. one hundred and twelve
7. eight hundred and twenty-seven
8. nine hundred and ninety nine


1. cuarenta y siete
2. doscientas diez
3. trescientos cincuenta
4. quinientos treinta
5. setenta y siete
6. ciento doce
7. ochocientos veintisiete
8. novecientos noventa y nueve


Play the audio below and respond to the questions Laura asks you. Check the answers afterwards to see how you got on.



1. 350, 520, 600, 910, 240
2. Ochocientos ochenta, cien, ciento cincuenta, setecientos treinta, cuatrocientos noventa

1. Barcelona is 650 km from Madrid
2. León is 750 km from Murcia
3. Bilbao is 930 km from Málaga

1. Oviedo está a 200 kilómetros de Santander
2. Valencia está a 360 kilómetros de Barcelona
3. Sevilla está a 530 kilómetros de Madrid

Sneak peek

A brief introduction to things we will be learning soon in the course

Present Simple

The first Spanish tense we will soon be learning and practising in this course is the Present Simple. The Present Simple tense is used to describe habits and general facts. Tenses are changes to verbs to show when an action took place. Past, Present, and Future are the main tenses. Verbs are doing/action words (e.g. live, eat, drink, sleep, play, write, read, sing, dance) and are in every sentence. All Spanish verbs end in AR, ER, or IR.

With Present Simple, the majority of Spanish verbs are changed in exactly the same way depending on the person/s doing the action. We call these verbs Regular verbs. There are a few verbs which do not follow the same regular patterns and these are called Irregular verbs. Let’s start by taking a look at how to change the endings of regular verbs depending on who is doing the action of the particular verb.

Yo: ar/er/ir = o   
(when the person doing the action is Yo, remove the ar/er/ir ending and replace with o)

Tú: ar = as    er/ir = es   
(when the person doing the action is , remove the ar ending and replace with as or remove the er/ir ending and replace with es)

Él/Ella: ar = a    er/ir = es  
(when the person doing the action is Él/Ella, remove the ar ending and replace with a or remove the er/ir ending and replace with e)

Some common regular Spanish verbs:

-AR ending verbs: 
HABLAR (speak), PAGAR (pay), ENSEÑAR (teach),  BESAR (kiss),  ESCUCHAR (listen),  BUSCAR (look for),  BAILAR (dance), GASTAR (spend), EXPLICAR (explain), TRABAJAR (work), COCINAR (cook), COMPRAR (buy) 

For example: (Yo) Hablo: I speak, (Tú) Hablas: You speak, (Él/Ella) Habla: He/She speaks

-IR ending verbs:
VIVIR (live),  ESCRIBIR (write), RECIBIR (receive), INSISTIR (insist), COMPARTIR (share), RECIBIR (receive), PERMITIR (permit), ABRIR (open), SUBIR (go up), PROHIBIR (prohibit)

For example: (Yo) Vivo: I live, (Tú) Vives: You live, (Él/Ella) Vive: He/She lives

-ER ending verbs:
COMER (eat), BEBER (drink), RESPONDER (respond), CREER (believe), COMPRENDER (understand), CONTESTER (answer), ESCONDER (hide), VENDER (sell), ROMPER (break), LEER (read), CORRER (run)

For example: (Yo) Como: I eat, (Tú) Comes: You eat, (Él/Ella) Come: He/She eats

List of common regular verbs

to answer contestar
to arrive llegar
to ask a question preguntar
to believe creer
to break romper
to buy comprar
to call llamar
to carry llevar
to change cambiar
to clean limpiar
to comprehend comprender
to cook cocinar
to cry llorar
to dance bailar
to deliver entregar
to draw dibujar
to drink beber
to earn ganar
to eat or drink tomar
to eat comer
to end terminar
to enter entrar
to explain explicar
to fill llenar
to fix arreglar
to get down bajar
to go up subir
to have dinner cenar
to help ayudar
to kiss besar
to travel viajar
to leave dejar
to listen escuchar
to live vivir
to look at mirar
to look for buscar
to need necesitar
to open abrir
to paint pintar
to pay pagar
to practice practicar
to promise prometer
to read leer
to receive recibir
to respond responder
to rest descansar
to return regresar
to ride montar
to run correr
to see ver
to sell vender
to send mandar
to share compartir
to sing cantar
to speak hablar
to spend gastar
to study estudiar
to swim nadar
to take care of cuidar
to take out sacar
to take llevar/tomar
to talk hablar
to teach enseñar
to touch tocar
to turn off apagar
to use usar
to visit visitar
to wait esperar
to walk andar
to wash lavar
to watch mirar
to wear llevar
to win ganar
to wish desear
to work trabajar
to write escribir