Regular verbs in Present Tense (Part 1)


In this topic we will practice using regular verbs in present tense.

In our previous topic we introduced some new Spanish verbs that were all “regular” and learned that all Spanish verbs finish in -AR, -ER, or -IR. In this topic we will practice using them in present tense. Present tense is when we describe things that we usually/generally do (not things in the past or in the future). For example: Yo como pizza los martes (I eat pizza on Tuesdays) or Ella trabaja en una escuela (She works in a school).

In the previous topic we learned the following regular Spanish verbs: Hablar: To speak, Trabajar: To work, Escuchar: To listen to, Comprar: To buy, Comer: To eat, Beber: To drink, Leer: To read, and Comprender: To understand. Now let’s see some more new useful regular Spanish verbs:

Necesitar – To need
Usar – To use
Ayudar – To help
Buscar – To look for
Lavar – To wash
Cocinar – To cook
Limpiar – To clean
Tomar – To take
Andar – To walk
Correr – To run
Mirar – To look at
Esperar – To wait for
Entrar – To enter
Estudiar – To study
Contestar – To answer
Abrir – To open
Compartir – To share
Comprender – To understand
Vender – To sell

A large part of learning Spanish is remembering how to conjugate the verb endings for the different tenses. Luckily there are patterns that can be applied to the majority of verbs and these verbs are called regular verbs. All regular verbs are conjugated in the same way. Verbs that do not follow the same rules are known as irregular verbs and we have to learn how to conjugate these verbs separately. Don’t worry, you will also find that you pick up how to use many irregular verbs when you hear or see them being used. We have already learned four irregular Spanish verbs: Ser and Estar (To Be) , Querer (To Want) and Tener (To Have).

Conjugation rules for regular verbs in present tense: (for more a more detailed explanation of the conjugation rules, see the previous topic)

Yo: -o
Tú: -as/-es
Él/Ella: -a/-e
Nosotros/as: -amos/-emos/-imos
Vosotros/as: -áis/-éis/-ís
Ellos/Ellas: -an/-en

With regular verbs you remove the final -AR, -ER, or -IR and add the correct ending for whichever person is doing the action of the verb.
Remember, the Yo, Tú, Él, Ella, Nosotros/as, Vosotros/as, Ellos/Ellas part is optional. You can use them if you wish with the verb, but you can also omit them. It is up to you. When you conjugate a verb according to the person, you already know the person.

So, we’ve learned a decent number of regular Spanish verbs and we have the formula to create their endings for all the different people (Yo, Tú, Él, Ella, Nosotros/as, Vosotros/as, Ellos/as) in present tense. We might need a dictionary to look up some vocabulary, but we are now able to make lots of sentences in Spanish! Let’s practice…

(Yo) Abro la botella – I open the bottle
(Yo) No uso mi teléfono móvil – I don’t use my mobile phone
(Yo) Limpio la casa – I clean the house
(Yo) No estudio portugués – I don’t study portuguese
(Yo) Comprendo francés pero no hablo francés muy bien – I understand French but I don’t speak French very well
(Yo) No necesito nada – I don’t need anything
(Tú) Necesitas aprender inglés – You need to learn English
¿Por qué (tú) esperas? – Why do you wait?
¿Qué buscas? – What are you looking for?
(Ella) Lava la ropa los lunes – She washes the clothes on Mondays
(Él) Corre 30 km todos los sábados – He runs 30 km every Saturday
(Nosotros) Usamos leche de soja – We use soya milk
¿(Vosotros) Estudiáis alemán? – Do you study German?
(Ellos) Comparten su jardín – They share their garden

As always, negative sentences are easily constructed by simply adding ‘No’ and questions are exactly the same as positive sentences with the addition of a question mark or a question tone of voice.

We recommend that you practice making your own sentences using regular Spanish verbs in Present Tense. Use the verbs we have learned here and in the previous topic and use your dictionary to find any words that you require to complete your sentences.


Play the audio below and practice your pronunciation by repeating with Laura.



-AR endings:
-o: yo hablo (I speak) / trabajo (I work) / escucho (I listen) / compro (I buy)
-as: tú hablas (you speak) / trabajas (you work) / escuchas (you listen) / compras (you buy) (Friendly)
-a: usted habla (you speak) / trabaja (you work) / escucha (you listen) / compra (you buy) (Formal)
-a: él / ella habla (he/she speaks) / trabaja (he/she works) / escucha (he/she listens) / compra (he/she buys)

-ER endings:
-o: yo como (I eat) / bebo (I drink) / leo (I read) / comprendo (I understand)
-es: tú comes (you eat) / bebes (you drink) / lees (you read) / comprendes (you understand) (Friendly)
-e: usted come (you eat) / bebe (you drink) / lee (you read) / comprende (you understand) (Formal)
-e: él / ella come (he/she eats) / bebe (he/she drinks) / lee (he/she reads) / comprende (he/she understands)

-IR endings:
-o: yo vivo (I live) / escribo (I write)
-es: tú vives (you live) / escribes (you write) (Friendly)
-e: usted vive (you live) / escribe (you write) (Formal)
-e: él / ella vive (he/she lives) / escribe (he/she writes)


Play the audio below and try to follow the conversation. Please listen at least twice before checking the transcript.



Sandra: Hola Peter ¿Cómo estás?
Peter: Muy bien Sandra, gracias.
Sandra: Hoy vamos a practicar los verbos regulares en español con unas preguntas.
Peter: Vale.
Sandra: ¿Vives en Madrid?
Peter: No, vivo en Barcelona.
Sandra: Muy bien. Otra pregunta, ¿tu familia vive en Barcelona contigo?
Peter: Ehh… No. Mis padres viven en Londres y mi hermana vive en Edimburgo.
Sandra: Perfecto, muy bien. Otra pregunta, ¿Hablas francés?
Peter: Mmmmm… No, hablo inglés.
Sandra: ¿Hablas español?
Peter: MMmmm un poco. Hablo un poco de español.
Sandra: ¿Hablas español con tu familia?
Peter: No, hablamos inglés.
Sandra: Muy bien Peter, comprendes bien los verbos regulares.
Peter: Gracias Sandra. Sí, creo que comprendo todo bien.


Open the text below and try to follow what is written. Please read at least twice before checking the translation.


Jorge: Hola Isabel, ¿qué tal estás?
Isabel: Muy bien Jorge, gracias. ¿Y tú?
Jorge: Yo, muy bien también. Ahora trabajo con tu hermana Elisa.
Isabel: ¡Qué dices! No lo sabía. ¿En la oficina de Servigest?
Jorge: Eso es. En la calle Ramón Gallud.
Isabel: ¿Elisa y tú hacéis el mismo trabajo?
Jorge: No exactamente. Elisa trabaja más con los clientes. Está cara al público. Y yo estoy en la misma oficina pero detrás, con mi ordenador y mi teléfono.
Isabel: Conozco vuestra oficina. Siempre está llena de gente. Muy concurrida y ruidosa. No sé cómo Elisa siempre está tan tranquila.
Jorge: Yo tampoco. Ella es muy paciente. Es un ángel. Muy buena con los clientes.
Isabel: Es verdad, mi hermana es una persona estupenda.
Jorge: ¿Y qué cosas hace en su tiempo libre?
Isabel: Elisa hace mucho deporte. Nada todos los días. Anda en su bicicleta. Ella también juega al tenis. Y le gusta caminar por el monte.
Jorge: Es muy activa entonces.
Isabel: Sí, muy activa. No duerme mucho.
Jorge: ¿Cuáles son sus comidas favoritas?
Isabel: Ella es vegetariana y come muchas verduras y frutas.
Jorge: ¿Perdona, pero tiene novio ahora?
Isabel: No, no tiene novio.
Jorge: ¡Qué bien!


Jorge: Hi Isabel, how are you?
Isabel: Very well Jorge, thank you. And you?
Jorge: Me, very well too. Now I work with your sister Elisa.
Isabel: What! I didn’t know. In the Servigest office?
Jorge: That’s right. On Ramón Gallud Street.
Isabel: Elisa and you do the same job?
Jorge: Not exactly. Elisa works more with customers. She is front office. And I’m in the same office but in the back, with my computer and my telephone.
Isabel: I know your office. It is always full of people. Very busy and noisy. I don’t know how Elisa is always so calm.
Jorge: Me neither. She is very patient. An angel. Very good with customers.
Isabel: It’s true, my sister is a great person.
Jorge: And what does she do in her free time?
Isabel: Elisa does a lot of sport. She swims every day. Rides her bike. She also plays tennis. And she likes to walk in the mountains.
Jorge: She’s very active then.
Isabel: Yes, very active. She doesn’t sleep much.
Jorge: What are her favourite foods?
Isabel: She is a vegetarian and eats lots of vegetables and fruits.
Jorge: Excuse me, but does she have a boyfriend right now?
Isabel: No, she does not have a boyfriend.
Jorge: Great!


Open the questions below and answer them in writing using the box provided. Check the answers afterwards to see how you got on.


Write some sentences in present tense to describe what and how people in other countries typically do things.


Possible answers:

  • En los Estado Unidos la gente come muchas hamburguesas y conduce
    coches muy grandes.
  • En Escocia mucha gente come haggis y bebe whisky y muchos tienen el
    pelo pelirrojo y la piel blanca.
  • En China la gente come mucho arroz y fideos y muchos siguen el Taoísmo
    y el Confucianismo.


Play the audio below and respond to the questions Laura asks you. Check the answers afterwards to see how you got on.



1. Eva es de Barcelona
2. El marido de Eva se llama Simon
3. El marido de Eva tiene treinta y tres años
4. Simon trabaja en casa
5. Eva vive en Londres
6. Simon bebe té
7. Simon escribe libros de misterio